(Ivy VINE)
Frequently Asked Questions about the Ivy VINE Complex
What is the Ivy VINE Complex?
The Ivy Community Charities of Prince George’s County, Inc., (Charities) purchased two properties located at 6118 Walton Avenue and 6112 Walton Avenue next door. Separating the properties is a parking lot that permits access to both properties.
The property at 6118 Walton Avenue includes the Ivy Youth and Family Center (IYFC) where Charities currently conducts its major community service programs and services for youth and families. Immediately behind the IYFC, Charities will construct the Ivy VINE Training Center and Podcast Studio. The Training Center is expected to accommodate up to 50 individuals to support programs and activities led by the Ivy VINE participating nonprofits.
Charities will construct the Ivy VINE Office Suites next door at 6112 Walton Avenue. The second facility will include office space for up to 10 nonprofit organizations and/or entrepreneurs as well as a kitchen, print room, meeting rooms and supply space. Both facilities will be equipped with the latest technology and telecommunications advances.