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The Ivy Community Charities

Law Enforcement and You....fostering positive relationships

Updated: Jul 7, 2019

On Saturday, April 7, 2018, Parents On Track welcomed Tyrone D. Best, Founder/Director of Speaking Truth to Educational and Empowerment Foundation, Inc. (S.T.E.E.F.) Mr. Best is a retired Detective Sergeant from the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC, who has 30 years of Law Enforcement experience.

Mr. Best shared valuable information with Parents On Track: knowing your rights when interacting with the police, what to say to legally protect yourself when the police search you, how to be a good witness, Bill of Rights-“Let’s start using our rights”. First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments, search and Arrest-Police Officers must have “probable cause” to arrest you, Jury Duty-Justice! Don’t run from it! Think, “Tried by a jury of his/her peers”. When we are absent; we have no voice in our communities, Reasonable Suspicion-Can be broad but justified by the system, Stop and Frisk, listen to the Officer and knowing you have the right to refuse a search when you are stopped by the police.

Mr. Best stressed his support of Law Enforcement as a Retiree. The main objective of S.T.E.E.F., Inc. is to conduct educational programs to encourage positive relationships between the general public and law enforcement.

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